Occupying Ed - A Film

Ed learns after a series of blackouts that he has split personality disorder, and that his whole town loves his feminine alternate personality more than they do him.

Release Date 2014
Stream Occupying Ed on Revry

Directed by Steve Balderson
Screenplay by Jim Lair Beard
Starring: Christopher Sams, Holly Hinton, John Werskey
Production Companies: Dikenga Films, Culturesphere and Future Cowboy L.L.C.


What People Have Said:

“It’s a film about life and love and sexuality and gender and identity and acceptance.”

MJ Simpson, Film Critic

OCCUPYING ED is a completely original concept and perfectly timed to take in the debate on who we are as a culture. It reveals that who we are is more complicated than who we appear to be.”

Rick Jacobs, Courage Campaign

“Quite entertaining, sweet and tender.”

Matt Micucci, CINECOLA

“A beautiful, funny and consistently enjoyable film from Producer/Screenwriter Jim Lair Beard and Director Steve Balderson, Occupying Ed is one of the best films I’ve seen this year, let alone at Raindance film festival.”

Alexandra Kessie, The Trash Bash blog

“The romantic comedy is one of the most clichéd genres in film, with a recipe of beats to be followed with precision. When a film comes along that feels unique and fresh, it should be celebrated. ‘Occupying Ed’ is one such film.  By taking the traditional tropes of the genre and subtly subverting them, Balderson and Beard have crafted a delightful film with note-perfect characters given life by a great cast… Exciting, funny and pleasant, but where the film succeeds most is in the way it discreetly touches on the deeper issues, such as the importance of accepting people – and ourselves – for who they are..”

Mark Rogers, British Film Critic

“This unique picture evokes Nicholas Ray’s manifesto, ‘I’m a stranger here myself.’ A provocative, generous-spirited, kind-hearted shocker of a film. OCCUPYING ED is a true leap forward toward the understanding of people, relationships, gender, commitment and all those things we value in interpersonal bonds.”

Eric Sherman, Producer-Director, Author DIRECTING THE FILM

OCCUPYING ED is everything an independent film should be: intelligently written, expertly directed, and marvelously acted. Equal parts hilarious and touching.”

Richard Uhlig, author


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